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Irene 23.10.2013 в 15:44
I am so sorry about that first answer, on behalf of all answerers on Y!A. That might have been the most incoherent, illogical response I have read for some time. I know some adopted people, and adoptive parents, and they don’t **** the kids they adopted. It’s voluntary, so they chose that child and treated him/her as their own. Maybe she just has her own adoption issues? Not to mention that overall the answer just makes no sense.But who’s even talking about that nonsense. Maybe it’s just kind of a *** gift that she thought you’d enjoy. My mom sends me stuff like that too sometimes. distance learning education degrees psychology degree master programs distance learning nutrition
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Because if you dont already have an addiction to nicotine or smoking, there is no reason to create one. Whether you are smoking reg cigs or the ecig, its STILL a very powerful addiction (both the chemical addiction to nicotine and the psychological addiction to the act of smoking). Beyond that, e cigs are NOT healthy, just healthier than reg cigs. Many people confuse healthier than reg cigs as actually being healthy for you. There are still health concerns about ecigs. Now, they do cut out a large portion of the harmful chemicals in reg cigs, and the ones that are left are at a fraction of the level as they are in reg cigs. But seriously, dont mistake that as being healthy for you or completely non harmful. IN THE US VIAGRA WITH OUT A PERSCRIPTION buys cialis online
Nonie 23.10.2013 в 21:00
Much like yourself, I tried a chpaeer electronic cigarette and wasn’t happy with the results, it actually broke a month after getting it. I have been using the Green Smoke electronic cigarette for over 6 months now and I am more then pleased. The two piece design makes it extremely easy to use, and gives you a new atomizer with each cartridge, which helps keep the flavor fresh! Speaking of flavors, Green Smoke offers Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry, Menthol, and regular nicotine. They also give you the option of changing the nicotine levels, which is great if you are trying to quit, or just reduce your daily nicotine intake. Another great thing about Green Smoke is they are based out of the US, Florida actually, which means your order won’t take 2 weeks to get here from China, and get held up at Customs, which is what happens to a lot of other electronic cigarette orders. I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about Green Smoke, between me and my friends, we’ve tried nearly every e-cig on the market and this is by far the best value out there. When you’re ready to order, feel free to use this 10% off coupon I found!disc10-4004 brand name viagra for sale buy prednisone
Trisha 23.10.2013 в 21:00
You could give Chantix a try but it made me very nauseous, depressed and it didn’t work. I just bought an e cigarette and I think it works pretty well. I didn’t get one to quit smoking but to use when I am not allowed to smoke which is about everywhere. I do think it might work if you are trying to quit since you just take a few puffs. When you are smoking a real cigarette you usually smoke the whole thing. There is no tobacco and no smoke so as much as the antis would like to complain I don’t see how they can. However, they will probably find a way to have them banned as well even though there is no tobacco. no smoke and no odor. It is composed of water which turns to vapor and nicotine. It’s great in a pinch. Check out the web site for Crown 7 or e cigarettes.Lauren- How can you make such a stupid statement. You have never heard of them and never seen one but you still give an opinion? Typical Anti!! buy real cialis online viagra
Gina 23.10.2013 в 21:01
You could give Chantix a try but it made me very nauseous, depressed and it didn’t work. I just bought an e cigarette and I think it works pretty well. I didn’t get one to quit smoking but to use when I am not allowed to smoke which is about everywhere. I do think it might work if you are trying to quit since you just take a few puffs. When you are smoking a real cigarette you usually smoke the whole thing. There is no tobacco and no smoke so as much as the antis would like to complain I don’t see how they can. However, they will probably find a way to have them banned as well even though there is no tobacco. no smoke and no odor. It is composed of water which turns to vapor and nicotine. It’s great in a pinch. Check out the web site for Crown 7 or e cigarettes.Lauren- How can you make such a stupid statement. You have never heard of them and never seen one but you still give an opinion? Typical Anti!! fowlerton texas accutane biy cheap viagra
Ziarre 23.10.2013 в 22:58
Are you a smoker? If you are then, it’s a not very smart to ask this question.If you’re not, then, I AM SURE SHE’S NOT ASKING YOU TO SMOKE UNLESS IF SHE’S ON SOMETHING. No mother is going to risk her son’s life, unless if you’re adopted.Maybe she wants you to walk to the darker side. Well, the dim side. She doesn’t want you to get involved in crime, unless if you’re, again, adopted.Well, the dim side, have fun “N-Joy”, have *** with some guys, do something crazy and stuff like that most probably.I assume that, from my conclusion, you are very smart and you do not seem to fit in with the higher ranks as a teenager? Most probably she watched some show about a nerd, not getting the real taste of life or something and he has wasted his life doing nothing.But then again, I might be wrong.A reply to Billiards: Well, what if a woman’s egg is not fertile enough? And she wants kids? By the way, I did not understand your question very well.A reply to the one asking this (I am so sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Layla, was it?): Well, she’s just asking to try it then, maybe she tried it and she thought that it was good. Is N-Joy a real brand by the way or is it a e-card? degree programs online degrees learning university degree distance
Anitra 23.10.2013 в 22:58
well i would to threaten him, say you will tell your parents and stuff. Smoking weed isnt bad but since it is illegal he shouldnt do it. Once he gets caught then he will realize that you were trying to help him and he will feel guilty. If he continues to smoke try to monitor him and make sure he doesnt do anything stupid. I have done it a few times in the past but i realized that it is stupid and a waste of money. A lot my friends blow a hell lot of money on it every week and that money can be used on other things. Especially if he is using his parents money to spend on weed. Maybe you should take his money away from him or steal it temporarily, if he doesn’t have any money he can’t smoke pot and his friends won’t pay for him every time. You are the older brother try to take charge or help him at least. Hopes this will help. accounting online degree programs llm distance learning uk online degree
Eternity 23.10.2013 в 22:58
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Sparky 23.10.2013 в 22:58
Are you a smoker? If you are then, it’s a not very smart to ask this question.If you’re not, then, I AM SURE SHE’S NOT ASKING YOU TO SMOKE UNLESS IF SHE’S ON SOMETHING. No mother is going to risk her son’s life, unless if you’re adopted.Maybe she wants you to walk to the darker side. Well, the dim side. She doesn’t want you to get involved in crime, unless if you’re, again, adopted.Well, the dim side, have fun “N-Joy”, have *** with some guys, do something crazy and stuff like that most probably.I assume that, from my conclusion, you are very smart and you do not seem to fit in with the higher ranks as a teenager? Most probably she watched some show about a nerd, not getting the real taste of life or something and he has wasted his life doing nothing.But then again, I might be wrong.A reply to Billiards: Well, what if a woman’s egg is not fertile enough? And she wants kids? By the way, I did not understand your question very well.A reply to the one asking this (I am so sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Layla, was it?): Well, she’s just asking to try it then, maybe she tried it and she thought that it was good. Is N-Joy a real brand by the way or is it a e-card? international courses online cad degree online
Jetsin 23.10.2013 в 22:59
Much like yourself, I tried a chpaeer electronic cigarette and wasn’t happy with the results, it actually broke a month after getting it. I have been using the Green Smoke electronic cigarette for over 6 months now and I am more then pleased. The two piece design makes it extremely easy to use, and gives you a new atomizer with each cartridge, which helps keep the flavor fresh! Speaking of flavors, Green Smoke offers Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry, Menthol, and regular nicotine. They also give you the option of changing the nicotine levels, which is great if you are trying to quit, or just reduce your daily nicotine intake. Another great thing about Green Smoke is they are based out of the US, Florida actually, which means your order won’t take 2 weeks to get here from China, and get held up at Customs, which is what happens to a lot of other electronic cigarette orders. I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about Green Smoke, between me and my friends, we’ve tried nearly every e-cig on the market and this is by far the best value out there. When you’re ready to order, feel free to use this 10% off coupon I found!disc10-4004 online degree associate's in online bachelors degree
Ice 23.10.2013 в 22:59
well i would to threaten him, say you will tell your parents and stuff. Smoking weed isnt bad but since it is illegal he shouldnt do it. Once he gets caught then he will realize that you were trying to help him and he will feel guilty. If he continues to smoke try to monitor him and make sure he doesnt do anything stupid. I have done it a few times in the past but i realized that it is stupid and a waste of money. A lot my friends blow a hell lot of money on it every week and that money can be used on other things. Especially if he is using his parents money to spend on weed. Maybe you should take his money away from him or steal it temporarily, if he doesn’t have any money he can’t smoke pot and his friends won’t pay for him every time. You are the older brother try to take charge or help him at least. Hopes this will help. online college online accredited degree programs
Adelphia 24.10.2013 в 05:42
Because if you dont already have an addiction to nicotine or smoking, there is no reason to create one. Whether you are smoking reg cigs or the ecig, its STILL a very powerful addiction (both the chemical addiction to nicotine and the psychological addiction to the act of smoking). Beyond that, e cigs are NOT healthy, just healthier than reg cigs. Many people confuse healthier than reg cigs as actually being healthy for you. There are still health concerns about ecigs. Now, they do cut out a large portion of the harmful chemicals in reg cigs, and the ones that are left are at a fraction of the level as they are in reg cigs. But seriously, dont mistake that as being healthy for you or completely non harmful. college degrees online psychology online bachelor degree
Nephi 24.10.2013 в 05:42
I agree with everything you’ve said havnig started my journey with they super cigarette and never expected things like exotice vaping flavors (which is a heated topic behind the scenes right now, don’t expect this to last much longer based on insiders I have been talking to) though thats another topic.I think as you grow into vaping you may find you are satisfied with using the e cig as you would a normal one but for people like me who got the vaping bug’ it has become much more than that some would say a nerdy hobby to be obsessed with, I just find it a lot of fun and really satisfying I use every type of model still regularly, from my high voltage provari to kr808d’s from v2 and bloog (maxxfusion rock yes it does btw and since I am admin I will put a shameless mini plug that you can save 10% with coupon code EVAPETEN) . but I mostly use the joye ego, both tank and dripping with LR 510 attys (and the mega LR attys) it is the most versatile and awesome mainstream’ dependable unit in my opinion. Joyetech simply rocks.But again, to each their own, and you won’t know what that is until you start somewhere so order a starter kit from a reputable source that sounds good to you (it’s going to cost you what, a few weeks of smoking costs anyway!) and take it from there. online degree programs accredited online courses online schools
Missy 24.10.2013 в 05:42
Because if you dont already have an addiction to nicotine or smoking, there is no reason to create one. Whether you are smoking reg cigs or the ecig, its STILL a very powerful addiction (both the chemical addiction to nicotine and the psychological addiction to the act of smoking). Beyond that, e cigs are NOT healthy, just healthier than reg cigs. Many people confuse healthier than reg cigs as actually being healthy for you. There are still health concerns about ecigs. Now, they do cut out a large portion of the harmful chemicals in reg cigs, and the ones that are left are at a fraction of the level as they are in reg cigs. But seriously, dont mistake that as being healthy for you or completely non harmful. distance learning college online
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Eve 24.10.2013 в 15:45
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Lynsey 24.10.2013 в 15:46
I am so sorry about that first answer, on behalf of all answerers on Y!A. That might have been the most incoherent, illogical response I have read for some time. I know some adopted people, and adoptive parents, and they don’t **** the kids they adopted. It’s voluntary, so they chose that child and treated him/her as their own. Maybe she just has her own adoption issues? Not to mention that overall the answer just makes no sense.But who’s even talking about that nonsense. Maybe it’s just kind of a *** gift that she thought you’d enjoy. My mom sends me stuff like that too sometimes. best site to buy viagra online buy accutane
Marlie 24.10.2013 в 20:51
You could give Chantix a try but it made me very nauseous, depressed and it didn’t work. I just bought an e cigarette and I think it works pretty well. I didn’t get one to quit smoking but to use when I am not allowed to smoke which is about everywhere. I do think it might work if you are trying to quit since you just take a few puffs. When you are smoking a real cigarette you usually smoke the whole thing. There is no tobacco and no smoke so as much as the antis would like to complain I don’t see how they can. However, they will probably find a way to have them banned as well even though there is no tobacco. no smoke and no odor. It is composed of water which turns to vapor and nicotine. It’s great in a pinch. Check out the web site for Crown 7 or e cigarettes.Lauren- How can you make such a stupid statement. You have never heard of them and never seen one but you still give an opinion? Typical Anti!! prednisone buy on-line were i can buy cialis prednisone Pills
Boog 24.10.2013 в 20:51
Much like yourself, I tried a chpaeer electronic cigarette and wasn’t happy with the results, it actually broke a month after getting it. I have been using the Green Smoke electronic cigarette for over 6 months now and I am more then pleased. The two piece design makes it extremely easy to use, and gives you a new atomizer with each cartridge, which helps keep the flavor fresh! Speaking of flavors, Green Smoke offers Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry, Menthol, and regular nicotine. They also give you the option of changing the nicotine levels, which is great if you are trying to quit, or just reduce your daily nicotine intake. Another great thing about Green Smoke is they are based out of the US, Florida actually, which means your order won’t take 2 weeks to get here from China, and get held up at Customs, which is what happens to a lot of other electronic cigarette orders. I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about Green Smoke, between me and my friends, we’ve tried nearly every e-cig on the market and this is by far the best value out there. When you’re ready to order, feel free to use this 10% off coupon I found!disc10-4004 buy cialis online buy viagra buy prednisone
BertieorBirdie 24.10.2013 в 20:51
Before you go spend ANY money on an electronic cig – you really need to educate yourself a little bit. There are MANY different models and prices vary by A LOT.I’ve heard good and bad things about the Blu. Then there is their TERRIBLE history on shipping.Check out some vids on you tube – just search electronic cig or e-cig and read some forums. I find forums that are not associated with a specific brand of e-cig to be the most helpful as you get unbiased info on a wide variety of products and vendors. I like Vapersforum.com but there are many others.There are tons of pros about the e-cig you can read up on those on the forums as I could go on and on and on.Cons – kind of a PIA sometimes – but its electronic so you have to maintain it: charge the batts all the time etc.Is it worth it – YES! 36 year smoker here – was off of tobacco cigs within 2 weeks (a good long learning curve) and I wasn’t even planning on giving up cigs – it just happened.I would highly recommend you check it out.Good Luck and Happy Vaping! viagra sales want to buy prednisone
Stormy 24.10.2013 в 20:51
Because if you dont already have an addiction to nicotine or smoking, there is no reason to create one. Whether you are smoking reg cigs or the ecig, its STILL a very powerful addiction (both the chemical addiction to nicotine and the psychological addiction to the act of smoking). Beyond that, e cigs are NOT healthy, just healthier than reg cigs. Many people confuse healthier than reg cigs as actually being healthy for you. There are still health concerns about ecigs. Now, they do cut out a large portion of the harmful chemicals in reg cigs, and the ones that are left are at a fraction of the level as they are in reg cigs. But seriously, dont mistake that as being healthy for you or completely non harmful. cheap viagra without prescription impotence cure natural
Jady 24.10.2013 в 20:52
Much like yourself, I tried a chpaeer electronic cigarette and wasn’t happy with the results, it actually broke a month after getting it. I have been using the Green Smoke electronic cigarette for over 6 months now and I am more then pleased. The two piece design makes it extremely easy to use, and gives you a new atomizer with each cartridge, which helps keep the flavor fresh! Speaking of flavors, Green Smoke offers Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry, Menthol, and regular nicotine. They also give you the option of changing the nicotine levels, which is great if you are trying to quit, or just reduce your daily nicotine intake. Another great thing about Green Smoke is they are based out of the US, Florida actually, which means your order won’t take 2 weeks to get here from China, and get held up at Customs, which is what happens to a lot of other electronic cigarette orders. I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about Green Smoke, between me and my friends, we’ve tried nearly every e-cig on the market and this is by far the best value out there. When you’re ready to order, feel free to use this 10% off coupon I found!disc10-4004 accutane online erectile online prednisone without prescription
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Rezhwan 25.10.2013 в 23:54
mine can only lasts for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of usage, use it or not..i guess it depends on the piece they give u.still preefr the intellicig,long battery life,superb quality and tobacco flavor and most importantly 40% less expensive than smoke51.. u should try it too.. http://tihjhsewcbs.com [url=http://mfsmnt.com]mfsmnt[/url] [link=http://xqlzrgqois.com]xqlzrgqois[/link]
Dina 25.10.2013 в 23:54
Have you tried to contact them again? I'm sure there has to bee a miersdnustanding of some kind. I have purchased products from smoke51.com several times, and I have always gotten fast and reliable service and delivery. I suggest you contact them again. http://yonvnsvli.com [url=http://utehofd.com]utehofd[/url] [link=http://gfqkcsaftwt.com]gfqkcsaftwt[/link]
Igor 25.10.2013 в 23:54
I'm used to smoking about a pack a day stmoeimes a few less and every cartridge I have used except 2 have worked all day. I usually replace them every day and start a fresh cartridge and it works for me. The 2 other started tasting bad about half way through the day and I knew they must not of filled it completely or something. I have had good ones for the most part though. The Chocolate ones I got with 0mg nicotine just to try last a lot longer it seems. http://vbvxfsuluak.com [url=http://bodhkuetcgi.com]bodhkuetcgi[/url] [link=http://qvkictxje.com]qvkictxje[/link]
Lexi 26.10.2013 в 00:33
Yes they did have a problem with the cadreitgrs because they were attempting tom switch to an American distributor I believe. But at least they fixed the situation and handled their customers problems unlike a lot of company's. It took me 3 times contacting smoke51 for them to stop billing and sending me cadreitgrs not to mention my free trial was billed to me in full before ever even getting the kit. Green Smoke has a 30-day guarantee beat that! http://pqgheninixu.com [url=http://cwxwbvcz.com]cwxwbvcz[/url] [link=http://qshbjg.com]qshbjg[/link]
Irisha 26.10.2013 в 00:33
Its not likely you can just walk into a store and buy it.Check this forum, I'm sure snmooee there can help. If not there are reputable suppliers listed at the bottom of the main page.e-cigarette-forum.com (it's down for some reason right now, so keep checking back)or try vapersforum.com They are also very helpful.Vape on! http://wyydkyg.com [url=http://vajnhz.com]vajnhz[/url] [link=http://fssagwm.com]fssagwm[/link]
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Rafael 26.10.2013 в 03:22
They do by my house yes, but they are cheap crap disposable type and aren't rlaely cost effective either. It's like $15 for 2 of them that don't even last 2 days. I guess maybe good for emergency situation. Maybe save them in a glass jar labeled break when having nicotine fit ! lol http://comfrqfwde.com [url=http://xotznnso.com]xotznnso[/url] [link=http://nfkgkrtn.com]nfkgkrtn[/link]
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